How to get back into the school routine

Yesterday was my first day back at school after spring break, it was tough. After spring break every year there is this huge wave of not wanting to be productive. Each year on my way back to school I tell myself I won’t fall into it, but if yesterday is any indication of how the rest of the semester is going to go, this is going to be a long couple of weeks leading to finals. My brain (and heart) is still in Florida and I’m already missing the sunshine, Disney, family, and of course Troy. I started to cry on the plane cause I already missed it all so much.
To get myself back on track I need to get back into my routine. Back to the gym 3-4 days a week, back to classes and homework/study time. Back to marking down days on my countdown. I have such an amazing summer in store, but I have to finish this semester before I get there!
I am also going to slowly start packing. No rush, but I figure if I slowly start packing up everything and getting ready, it will be easier in a couple weeks when I don’t need to rush and pack like crazy.
How are you handling the post-spring break slump? Tell me in the comments!
Also-who watched the Bachelor finale last night??? I totally called it!

Weekend recap

I’m officially back in Indiana and back at the whole school thing. I picked Troy up lateThursday night (like midnight) and got to spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning together. Naturally, we went to Disney. More photos to come, but here’s a few highlights!


I didn’t want to give away all my adorable photos (which is a lot), so stay tuned for more Orlando memories! As of today it’s 45 days till the end of the semester, which is absolutely mind boggling to me. Time really flew!


How was your weekend? Let me know in the comments and link to any photos you might have! 🙂

Rock Springs adventure


Yesterday was spent relaxing at the springs with two beautiful friends! On our last day together before summer we wanted to go on an adventure. Somebody recommended this park (Kelly Park if anyone is interested in knowing) so we decided to check it out. We packed up our tubes (which was probably the biggest adventure), and drove out to the springs. It was absolutely beautiful!


It was really important to me that we spent some quality time together as three best friends. Back in middle school and high school it was just the three of us, but as life goes on our lives took new paths. We all ended up at different schools, all in different states, and new people came into our lives. We are forever best friends, it just now takes extra effort to spend time together just us three!


I hope everyone is living a fun and adventurous life! Remember to follow on social media to stay up to date on my Orlando adventures. In other news, I pick Troy up tonight… YAY!


Here’s a video of our time at the springs. For more videos check out the Memory Archives!

Music: You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home- Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (I know, throwback)

Grey’s party and update

Yesterday was National Women’s Day, so to all the bad ass women out there, you rock! I spent my day with two of my loveliest friends having a Grey’s Anatomy party. I LOVE Grey’s!!! We watched episodes all day and it was the perfect way to relax!




I hope everyone is having an awesome hump day! I’ll be laying by the lazy river all day, of course, photos to come! I’m loving being at home, but oh my goodness I can’t wait for my guy to be home! I just have to get through today and tomorrow!

The last few days

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’ve had a busy couple days that I of course documented in photos!

Real fast; Who watched the Bachelor last night! Women tell all is always the best and worst episode. My heart hurt so much watching Caila rewatch her relationship with Ben!

Anyway, this week has been filled with a lot of Disney, which is rather bitter sweet because Disney is Troy and my favorite place and we always go together, Going without him has been kinda sad. I did my best to save some of our favorite Disney activities for when he comes back (I didn’t ride his favorite rides or eat his favorite foods).


Of course I had to go to one of my favorite place, Animal Kingdom! Like seriously, isn’t it beautiful???


When Trista (this gorgeous girl in the photos) and I were small kids we would go to Disney together all the time. This was the first time we got a Disney date in years, and it was definitely like going back in time. She’s perfection and I’m so lucky to call her my best friend!
If you want to stay up to date on my Orlando adventures, follow on social media (and Snapchat: maddy_liptak), links in the side bar!


I hope everyone is having a magical week!

Sister date

If you follow me on social media (especially snapchat), you know that my sister and I had date day on Saturday. With Troy gone and her off work, I found it a great opportunity to do something adventurous.


We didn’t get to go on the Orlando Eye (even though I really wanted to), but we did spend the morning having a fabulous brunch at The Sugar Factory. Yes, that Sugar Factory. One JUST opened in Orlando and we were able to snag reservations before the grand opening. It was so fun and whimsical and the food was delicious.




After our sugary and delicious brunch we head outside to enjoy the Florida sun and the AMAZING view!




I know I don’t spend enough time with my sis, so when the opportunity came up I knew I couldn’t pass it up!



Sister date was certainly a success! One of these days I’m actually gonna get up on that awesome thing! I hear it is absolutely Amazing and you can see all of Orlando from it!

How did you spend your weekend? And I have to ask, do you think we look alike? Tell me in the comments!

Packing secrets

It’s  literally just a few hours before leaving for the airport and I’m still packing. Normally I am so ahead of the game, but this week has been so busy and I honestly just haven’t had time to do it. Anyway, even after bringing home clothes last trip and leaving them (in an effort to save room in my suitcase) I still found myself with NO ROOM. Time for operation pack.
Step one, lay the jeans flat. Rolling works for most everything else, but not jeans. Once everything else is in there you just have to fold the ends of the jeans over everything.


Next, this hat. I found it for $5 at Target yesterday and literally couldn’t resist. I filled the hat with four tank tops. Also in my shopping trip I grabbed a $3 pair of sunglasses and a dress… No, I needed none of that.


You know the drill, roll some shirts in your shoes. Each shoe got a shirt. When I pack boots I can sometimes fit as many as four or five shirts per boot. It really helped that for this trip I already had some shoes waiting for me at home from my last trip, had I not done that there’s no way I would have had room for another pair!


Now fill in the gaps. (YES those are EWOK SOCKS)!!! In the gaps I have like two pairs of sweatpants, two dresses, a few tops, a huge bear, and most of the necessities. Oh, and a Starbucks mug. All in a carry on suitcase. This suitcase also had a zipper pouch on the inside of the lid that I fit a few pairs of shorts and my tulle skirt.

Now I have to get to work on my personal item. I may have to throw in a shirt or two that didn’t make the cut in the carry on, but in general, I think I’m good.


What are your packing secrets? Let me know in the comments. Inspired by LDR blogs Packing

The adult coloring book fad

Well, I’m in. I’m definitely pro adult coloring books. On my last trip home my mom gave me one and I have to say, I’m obsessed. Literally everything about this concept is amazing.


Not only is it super fun, but also super relaxing. I’m starting to set aside some time everyday after work to do some coloring and unwind. I don’t care how dorky that sounds, it’s amazing.


In other news, I’m headed for Orlando tomorrow night so stay tuned for lots of fun adventures. Follow on Insta, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat (maddy_liptak) to stay most up to date on all my Orlando adventures, you won’t regret it!
Who’s in the coloring fad? Literally, The.Best!

March goals

Well, it’s March 1st, which means time for My Monthly Three for March! I hope everyone enjoyed their extra day of the year yesterday! I spent it doing work and watching the Bachelor! Team Lauren B? Am I right?
Anyway, last month my three goals
1. More fruit, less fries
2. Find a good book and read it
3. Continue Happy Challenge
I wouldn’t say I was my most successful self with these goals, but I certainly made a good start!Those are definitely goals that will need to be continued. This month I have three new goals (as always) and as always, I encourage everyone to participate!
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1. Get back on my running routine
This week after the half marathon I haven’t worked out once, and I justified it because I ran a half marathon a week ago. Now the week buffer period has ended and I need to get back at it. Three times a week, one long run a week! I’m seeking my next half marathon!
2. Enjoy quality friend time
Complicated story, but I’m going home in 3 days and Troy won’t be there. He is off to go to amazing things at work and I am so proud of him, BUT that also means I have to find stuff to do while he’s gone. This week will be the week of friend bonding. Time for some girlfriend adventures with some of my favorite ladies!
3. 30 minutes of no phone time a day
This is something I’m so serious about. Everyday when Troy and I get our time to FaceTime we need to set aside some time where there is no phones. Both of us LOVE our social media, and for me it’s kinda like work, but there is a time for work and a time for no work!
What are your March goals? I still can’t believe it’s March already! Talk to me in the comments!

10 things I learned from my first half marathon

I recently ran my very first half marathon (Read more about it HERE). The experience was absolutely amazing and I am so proud of myself. In this experience I also learned a lot of things about running, particularly as it pertains to your first race. Here are 10 things I learned from running my first half marathon!
1. Pee before the race starts
This may seem like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised. Before the race I didn’t think I needed to go, but about a mile in I realized I was wrong! There were super long lines for the port a potties, so I just ran through it!


2. Practice concrete running
I was warned about this! My dad told me over and over again to practice running outside and not just on a treadmill…I didn’t listen! I definitely should have though because he was right! Running on concrete is completely different than on a treadmill or indoor track!
3. If the race involves costumes, practice
The race I did was the Princess Half Marathon, so everyone was dressed like princesses! I made sure my costume was running friendly, but not all the runners were so lucky! You don’t want 13.1 miles of annoying!


4. If you are offered candy, take it
Towards the end of the race there were people giving the runners Twizzlers! Seriously, those people are forever in my heart! Those Twizzlers were exactly what I needed to get myself through the last few miles!
5. Do not chug any liquids
You will be offered lots of water and Powerade, DO NOT CHUG IT. I stopped at every drink station however I only took a sip out of every cup! It fixed my thirst problem and also didn’t give me cramps!
6. Don’t rush, even if everyone else is
When the race starts everyone runs a little fast out of excitement, keep your own pace. It will feel like you are going super slow but you will feel a lot better in a few miles when you are passing them all up!
7. Save everything
You will get medals, race bibs, maps, bags, and probably some other “race swag”! Keep everything for the memories! I framed my bib and medal and have everything else in a folder!

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8. If there’s photographers, smile
There were so many photographers at this race, and they all caught me looking ridiculous! If you see someone with a camera, try to look like you aren’t dying!
9. Ice anything that hurts
After the race I hurt all over the place but didn’t really think to do anything about it. Put ice on everything, especially your joints! I found that my hips hurt the most after!
10. It’s okay to brag cause you’re awesome
You did something totally awesome, BRAG ABOUT IT! Write it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc! Heck, wear your medal everywhere you go! You earned it!


How was your first major run? What are your biggest tips? Let me know in the comments!